23 Geos Applications
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#: 18256 S13/The GEOS Connection
20-Feb-89 19:50:11
Sb: #GeoWrite
Fm: Mike Plechaty 76625,747
To: all
Well, here I am again, grumbling about the SAME subject: GeoWrite 2.1!! I
really like GEOS and the various applications it has. I would REALLY like to
use GeoWrite. BUT...it is such a PAIN in the FANNY!! I can do more in less time
with my old stand-by Fontmaster II. Now, don't get me wrong... I REALLY try
with GeoWrite. Granted, I am used to Fontmaster BUT, I'm really trying with
GeoWrite. I'm open for suggestions on other word processors that work under
GEOS. The two extremes for use: Fontmaster II(easy) & GeoWrite(difficult and
not that rewarding for the &%$# compromises it demands). At this point, I need
"I speak from experience" recommendations. Please realize I am v-e-r-y happy
with Fontmaster (W) but like most of what GEOS' applications have to offer the
still-alive C=64.
#: 18260 S13/The GEOS Connection
20-Feb-89 22:32:07
Sb: #18256-GeoWrite
Fm: Marte Brengle 76703,4242
To: Mike Plechaty 76625,747
I'd suggest you skip right to a *real* word processor and buy Pocket Writer. If
you want to print your stuff out with illustrations or fancy fonts or both, you
can use the PaperClip "text grabber" to import your Pocket Writer files into
geoWrite. Works like a charm.
I'm a writer, and I wouldn't think of doing any *serious* writing with any
version of geoWrite. For one thing, I type faster than the silly screen can
handle, and for another, I just don't think the program even comes close to
Pocket Writer in terms of features and ease of use.
#: 18265 S13/The GEOS Connection
21-Feb-89 05:30:45
Sb: #18256-GeoWrite
Fm: Ed Flinn/Sysop 76703,4032
To: Mike Plechaty 76625,747
As Marte says, she's writes professionally, and using a different WP program
for speed and ease of use, then importing into geoWrite for fonts and graphics
may be one way to go. Also, you might take a look at the review of Writer 64
in the Apr. Gazette. This program runs under GEOS, and looks interesting. The
review makes note of a couple of serious limitations, and I'm not at all sure
it would be any easier to use than geoWrite, but you should take a look at the
review and see what you think.
#: 18283 S13/The GEOS Connection
21-Feb-89 17:26:18
Sb: #18256-GeoWrite
Fm: Bob Clemens (Roch. NY) 76337,3532
To: Mike Plechaty 76625,747
I write most of my stuff on paperClip III, then convert it to GEOS using
the Textgrabber feature. It works very well: PC gives me the ease of writing
and editing; GEOS provides interesting fonts to make my text more visually
interesting than it would be in plain vanilla NLQ. And... it's fun!
Bob Clemens
#: 19588 S13/GEOS Connection I
06-Jun-89 20:55:52
Sb: #geoWrite
Fm: <]Dave[> 72030,661
To: *ALL
Okay, now for another (possibly) dumb question (or two)..... How can I (if
possible) tell geoWrite that I would like to have some default settings for
margins, indentation, etc? Failing that, is it possible to load a document
under one name, but save it as another? (if so, I'd just make a 'pretend'
document as a boiler, type away, and save it as something else) I purely do
wish that the manuals that came with this stuff were a little more thorough
about what I can, and can't do, and if I can do something, HOW to do it. The
manual just seems to give it a "once-over-lightly", and trusts me to read
between the lines that I'm reading between! Thanks. <]Dave[>
#: 19603 S13/GEOS Connection I
07-Jun-89 15:21:03
Sb: #19588-#geoWrite
Fm: Ed Flinn/Sysop 76703,4032
To: <]Dave[> 72030,661
I don't know of any way of actually setting defaults like that, no. It's
something that's long been seen as a geoWrite failing. You can't save a file
under a different name, but I guess the work-around is to build your model
files, and then use the file/duplicate menu options each time you want to
create a document using that set of options.
#: 19606 S13/GEOS Connection I
07-Jun-89 15:47:31
Sb: #19603-geoWrite
Fm: Marte Brengle 76703,4242
To: Ed Flinn/Sysop 76703,4032 (X)
That's how I do it when I make disk labels. I copy the template file into the
REU, do all the work on the label there, and then quit the file and rename it
before I save it back to a "real" disk. It works just fine. Too bad the
template I got from Q doesn't quite fit the labels I bought, but what the heck,
the exercise in relocating the names is good for me. :)